祝大家新年快樂!我們將於2013年2月 3日【星期日】舉行新年聚會。我們熱誠歡迎各位家長和小朋友回來分享這個新年聚會,同時也歡迎家長帶親友一起參加聚會。當日小朋友無需穿校服,可以選擇穿自己的便裝和各種特色的服裝。當日學校會提供免費食物及表演項目。




Happy New Year! We are going to hold a New Year party on 3th February 2013(Sunday). I would be very pleased to invite you to attend the party with your children and your friends.

Children don’t need to wear school uniforms; they can wear their own clothes. There will be free food and performances at the party.

Party time: 1pm-5pm

Address: Chinese Language Art & Culture Academy

5/F, Tiffan Tower, 199 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, HK

Our Education Mission

To teach through engaging methods; to create comfortable and joyful learning environment; to cultivate children's interests in study and foster their confidence.

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